Turn your adrenalized, pessimistic dog into a calm, optimistic dog!
The Ultimate Daily Discovery
The behavioral training system that I use for developing emotionally resilient dogs includes The Ultimate Daily Discovery. With this mini-course, you'll learn how to implement powerful discovery techniques to help your dog feel calm and comfortable within their environment, and therefore your dog will develop new and different [better!] behavior within 10 days.
[Starting today] you can [and will!] relieve stress for you and your dog (no matter where you live)!

👉 Do you feel overwhelmed? Or embarrassed?
👉 Do you wish that your dog would behave better?
👉 What if there was a way for your dog to learn to be calm?
👉 What if there was a way to relieve daily stress?
This is all possible, and it's exactly why I created the:
The Ultimate Daily Discovery
Drastically improve your dog's bad behavior within 10 days!
Watch this video to learn about a DOZEN benefits of:
The Ultimate Daily Discovery
1) Help decrease reactive barking
2) Help dogs who are fearful, suspicious, intimidated, or overwhelmed feel comfortable
3) Help dogs cope with guest arrival
4) Help dogs learn to be calm when you go inside or when you go outside (excitable moments!)
5) Help comfort and calm dogs in new locations (parks, hotels, vet offices, grooming salons)
6) Help improve separation anxiety for dogs who are overly attached or dependent
7) Help dogs succeed during meet-and-greets (helpful for dogs when they meet new people!)
8) Help diminish prey drive (predacious hunting behavior toward squirrels, rabbits, groundhogs...)
9) Help dogs learn to remain in your yard (rather than venturing off-property)
10) Help off-leash dogs learn to remain on a trail (rather than running through the brush)
11) Help shift the location of where a dog will play or potty (use the whole yard... not the patio!)
12) Help dogs overcome hesitations about walking on stairs or across certain flooring
I have yet to meet a dog who does not benefit from this training technique!
Are you ready to relieve stress and enjoy time spent with your dog?

Good news!
I do not need to see (with my own eyes) your dog behave poorly (in-person) to know how to help!

Right now, you are struggling with one (or more) of the following:
A dog who may be anxious or stressed in some situations
A dog who may bark at people or other dogs
A dog who may struggle to relax in different environments
A dog who may get wound up or adrenalized when guests arrive
A dog who may get excited when entering or exiting the house
A dog who may be hesitant or uncomfortable in new spaces or around new people and new animals

Imagine if:
Your dog was calm and relaxed
Your dog was happy and content
Your dog was curious and confident
Your dog would settle more easily
Your dog would behave and be less impulsive
Your dog was less stressed and overwhelmed with the world

What would that do for YOU?!
The Ultimate Daily Discovery
Let's make these possibilities a reality with:

Hi! I'm Kate Walker!
I’m a behavioral dog trainer! I have been an educator of all things science and dogs for over 10 years. I have traveled all over the United States and learned from the most successful dog trainers, and I have always gravitated toward those who could solve the most limiting and problematic behaviors.
The truth is --
Dogs are emotional beings (just like us!) and dogs who struggle with behavioral issues have emotional problems.

The good news is that dogs are capable of learning how to cope with stress and manage their emotions. I’ve been on a quest to solve problematic behaviors while emphasizing and maintaining compassion for a dog’s emotional state and well-being.
In simpler words --
I care what the dog thinks about and how the dog feels.
The system that I use for developing emotionally resilient dogs includes The Ultimate Daily Discovery. I will teach you how to drastically improve your dog’s emotional problems within 10 days. I want to share this mini-course with more people, so that [starting today] you can relieve stress for you and your dog (no matter where you live)!
The Ultimate Daily Discovery
is right for you, if you are one of the following:
1. New to training
Is this your first dog? Or, have you owned dogs for your entire life but never needed to find a dog training program?! Not all dogs need intentional or organized training, but there's always *that* dog who is *a little different than the rest*. (I've owned my fair share of difficult dogs, and that's why I've been able to discover what actually works!)
Is your dog just a puppy? Or a grey-muzzled senior? Any age and any breed will benefit!
The oldest dogs that I've trained were a pair of 11 and 13-year-old Schnauzers!
The smallest dog that I've trained was a 5-pound Biewer Terrier from Russia!
2. Tried training before
Have you been learning from another local dog trainer, or even from YouTube, but are still struggling to find success?
Do you feel like you've "tried it all"? Or, do you feel like "nothing works"?
Or, would you describe your dog as obedient, but not well-behaved?
If you haven’t found success after doing all of the work that you’ve done, then I promise you, this will be different! If you’ve tried adding obedience, or extra walks, or fancy front-clip harnesses, calming collars, prescription medication, more “structure”, “rules”, or “leadership”, AND you’re still struggling?... gosh! Then all the more reason to switch it all up!
3. Looking for a new and different training approach
Have you ever felt like "something is missing"? Or, are you looking for "something more"?
Maybe you feel this way because you are dedicated and committed to giving your dog the absolute best life. Maybe you are looking for a more holistic, kind, or mindful approach.
If you feel this way, then you are not alone, because these feelings are what called upon me to find and teach a new and different system of dog training. I am so glad that you are here!

A Dozen (12)
Daily Discoveries
24 educational videos, each no more than
5 minutes in length! Concise videos, on purpose! Life is hectic!
No need to attempt to escape for 2 hours of uninterrupted time. See and listen to all 12 Daily Discovery opportunities.
When you join
The Ultimate Daily Discovery
you'll receive:
You’ll be able to see
and read the content... underline, highlight,
and take notes while
you listen and watch. Follow along with the videos (with ease)
and never lose track
of where you left off!
The content is summarized so that
any other adult in the household can quickly get-in-the-loop(!) and “catch up” after they
start wondering why
the dog is behaving
so much better!!
Game Plan
Feel accomplished
by tracking your
daily efforts!
Show mastery of the content by checking
your knowledge!
3 Bonus Articles
Being an educator
taught me that we all have different learning styles, so 3 written
bonus articles are provided! 🙂 Let that knowledge sink in!

These dogs would benefit from:
The Ultimate Daily Discovery

The Reactive Dog
This dog alerts to every darn thing… a car door closing, a creaky house, the “I-can-hear-it-coming-from-down-the-street" UPS truck, and the most dangerous public employee of all time, the mailman! Let's decrease the frequency and intensity of barking from The Reactive Dog.

The Hyper Dog
This dog is like a ping-pong ball… or a bull in the china shop... jumping, and bouncing, and spinning, and chasing… Does this dog feel like a toddler stuck in the “terrible 2s”? Always moving, often hyper, obsessive to make and find fun [or trouble]? I feel your pain! Let’s help calm The Excitable Dog!

The Anxious Dog
This dog may pant, and pace, or salivate heavily… An anxious dog can be jittery, whiney, clingy, and nervous… one who is uncertain about the world and the changes that [can routinely and predictably] occur every single day. Anxiety never feels good, for the dog or for you! Let’s resolve some anxiety for The Anxious Dog.

The Fearful Dog
This dog may tremble, or crouch, maybe with a tucked tail… who retreats or hides, wide-eyed and uncertain. It’s possible that nothing bad has ever happened to this dog, or, it’s possible that something bad must have happened to this dog. Either way, this dog shows fear of the environment or of something happening within the environment. Let’s create some comfort for The Fearful Dog.

The Aggressive Dog
This dog may bark, growl, snarl, or show its teeth. You may be thinking, "Is my dog aggressive?" or "Do I have an aggressive dog?" A dog who is showing aggressive tendencies is quite stressed about something or someone (and therefore, it's stressful for you, too)! Let's begin to resolve this stress for you and for The Aggressive Dog!

How does this work?

Check your email inbox for login details!

Complete the modules - you have instant access!
30-day Money-Back Guarantee!
If you complete this mini-course, implement the training technique, and still are not satisfied with what you've learned, then qualify for our 30-day Money-Back Guarantee! After those 30 days, you're stuck with us! (Though, I think you'll see that's a very good thing! 😉) Extra details are here!

This is a super simple, highly beneficial mini-course!

Do you have questions? Check out these FAQs!
How far do you travel?I travel within 30 minutes of my home in Pleasant Gap, PA 16823!
Do you train really difficult or challenging dogs?Yes, I do! I recommend my behavioral training program, Social Dog Mastery™️ for dogs who display any of these behaviors: 1. More intense reactivity, leash aggression 2. Undesired behavior toward other dogs, kids, cats, livestock, vets, etc 3. General anxiety, confinement anxiety (crate), car anxiety 4. Thunderstorm phobia, sound sensitivity (fireworks, etc), fearfulness 5. Difficulty with guest arrival (growling, barking, charging toward, etc)
Do you train puppies?Yes! The Loose Leash Foundation Program™️ is suitable for puppies 6 months and older. The Off-Leash Evolution Program™️ is suitable for puppies 9 months and older.
Does training cost more for multiple dogs?If you own multiple dogs, who all live together and who need training, then additional dogs are added at a discounted rate. We can discuss the dynamics in a multi-dog household during a Next Step Phone Call! :)
Do my dog's vaccinations need to be up-to-date?Yes. Prior to your very first in-home lesson, the contract and up-to-date vaccination records will need to be submitted online. I require all dogs to be vaccinated, and up-to-date, against Rabies and Distemper/Parvo (Distemper/Parvo is commonly listed as DA2PP, DH2PP, DA2PPC, or DAPP). These are routine vaccinations. Proof of vaccinations (copy of vet bill will suffice) may be attached to the contract, or emailed to me as an attachment (especially if the file is too big to attach to the contract). You can take a photo of your vet bill with your cell phone and attach that photo to the contract (or email that photo), as long as the vet bill can still easily be read. If you are unable to get up-to-date vaccination records, online programs could be a great option for you! Otherwise, feel free to send me an email with your concerns: theincrediblek9@gmail.com
How are lessons scheduled on the calendar?We will determine a time and day of the week that is available for both of us, and then this time is blocked off on the calendar, for many weeks, as "your time." For example, imagine that Mondays from 1:00pm-2:30pm works for both of us. This time will be “your time” every Monday, from 1:00-2:30pm, for the duration of the training program. So, if we were completing the Loose Leash Foundation Program™️, then we’ll complete 3 lessons together within 4 weeks time, so I'll reserve "your time" for 4 back-to-back weeks. That extra week allows us to have some “wiggle room” to “skip” a week if severe weather, holiday travel, or illness interfere with our training efforts on any given week. Blocking off "your time" also allows for a consistent, predictable, weekly training time without always needing to “check the schedule”.
What happens if a lesson needs to be canceled or changed?We are all too busy, too sick, or traveling, at times! That’s life, and it’s completely understandable! Lessons can be changed or canceled with more than 24 hours in advance by emailing me: theincrediblek9@gmail.com. If you know that you'll need to change a lesson, then please let me know as soon as possible. Because we have an extra week of time built into the timeline, when conflicts arise, a week may just need to be “skipped” and we’ll resume again the following week, at our regular time. Lessons are often skipped around the holidays and the timeline is adjusted/lengthened to accommodate any necessary holiday time off.
What happens if I don’t use all of my program lessons within the timeline?If all lessons aren’t used within the allotted timeline, then you may lose that predictable weekly time slot, because another client may be waiting for that lesson time to become available. If you have any remaining unused lessons, then they may be scheduled at any time and day of the week, as our schedules and availability permit. However, if more than 4 weeks pass after the last completed lesson, then the remaining lessons are forfeited. No exchanges or refunds will be issued.
What are payment options?Credit cards are accepted and a payment plan is available for the Off-Leash Evolution Program™️!
How do I learn more about your programs and secure dates on the calendar?Please click the Contact button on this page, and submit a Contact Form. Then, we can discuss any additional questions, prices, and scheduling availability via email or phone. Thank you! I look forward to speaking with you!

There is no need to wait for trainer availability. You can get started TODAY! The same content that was always taught in-person, is now taught online!

Imagine how life could be, only 10 days from now:
Your dog could be better behaved
Your dog could be less reactive
Your dog could be more relaxed in your house and yard
Your dog could be more comfortable and calm when guests arrive
Your dog could feel safe and secure with you, in your home

NOW is the time to take action. There is no need to give your dog "more time" to practice bad habits. Create new and different behavior TODAY with...
The Ultimate Daily Discovery!
Drastically improve your dog's bad behavior within 10 days!
What if you never felt stressed and overwhelmed about your dog's bad behavior ever again?
With The Ultimate Daily Discovery, there is no need to feel hopeless. You'll learn how to implement powerful discovery techniques to help your dog feel calm and comfortable within their environment, and therefore your dog will develop new and different [better!] behavior within 10 days.
You can [and will!] relieve stress for you and your dog!